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CPS Example Responses

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  • This is an example of an ectolearning page. While I can add links, file submit options, my own movie content and other files for students research, I cannot add youtube content because CPS blocks all of youtube.

    However, if I go to youtube through this ecto page, I can tag a youtube video with the ectolearning.com tag. This way students will only see the video that I choose, and will still not be able to just surf youtube.

    In order for this to happen, we need CPS to allow youtube videos with the www.ectolearning.com tag to get through the firewall. That way you're giving the teachers the ability to approve content while continuing to constrict access.

    created by drezac

    created by drezac

  • The youtube video I created was a slideshow of a marine biology expedition. As viewed in Ecto, you cannot see anything other than the video because I tagged it from Ecto. So the sitiuation for the kids is no different, other than I approved the content. If you try to click on the youtube logo, normally it will jump you to the youtube website. Since I am not on CPS's server right now, I can't tell if it will open up. But you can see below (I copied the link) what the new youtube link is with the tag. I am asking for you to not block any youtubes with that tag.


    This is not just for me, but for any other educators who would like to approve youtube content, or who have created youtube content for educational purposes. 



    created by drezac

©2006 Daniel Rezac (drezac)