about Ecto
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Ecto enables Modern Learning in wired classrooms. Ecto is an online networked collaborative learning platform and a next-generation course management system that enables teachers to easily employ modern teaching methods in wired classrooms.
There are two major forces in play in the US K-12 education market – technology adoption and pressure to improve student learning. Teachers want to implement modern learning methods to help kids prepare for the 21st century but they can’t do this with their current learning technology.
Ecto provides the missing piece necessary for the convergence of these two trends.
Who created Ecto? Ecto is brought to you by a small group of educators and developers. We’re fascinated by the incredible social, collaborative, and learning power of the internet. So, why can’t students and teachers work with learning content any way they want? That’s where we come in. We created Ecto so you can collaborate, create, edit, track and share content with virtually limitless flexibility.
We’re all teachers and students at various times throughout our lives. We’ve all had different learning challenges in both roles. By giving teachers and students the tools to implement social constructivist learning we think learners of all kinds can take a more direct and active path to knowledge. We’re passionate about leveraging the best internet technologies to improve sharing and learning.
Content contribution and sharing Because Ecto is an open system, anyone (students, teachers, publishers, parents, etc.) can contribute activities to the Ecto Library for free. The Ecto library also contains thousands of activities from state exams across the nation. When you submit activities to Ecto, can keep them private or share them with others. We hope you share! For every shared item added, the system becomes more powerful for all.
Free-style course creation It's your course - design it how you like. You can create your course entirely from scratch. Or, you can save time by making use of high-quality content already in the Ecto library. Simply copy another shared course from the library and edit the course to suit your needs. If you want your students to contribute to the course, simply change their contribution settings.
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