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  • Alex has $5.00 from his allowance. He visits an arcade where lemonade costs $0.75 and video games cost $0.25.

    Which of the following expressions represents the amount of money Alex will have left if he buys one lemonade and plays n video games?

    5.00 + 0.75 + 0.25n
    5.00 - 0.75 - 0.25n
    5.00 + 0.75n + 0.25
    5.00 - 0.75n - 0.25n

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  • Which expression is equivalent to 3(x + 7)?

    x + 10
    x + 21
    3x + 7
    3x + 21

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  • Which expression is equivalent to 4•c•c + 5 + c?

    7c + 5
    9c + c2
    20 + c2 + c
    4c2 + c + 5

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