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Final Quiz

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    Sexual harassment only occurs when the victim is female.


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    In some circumstances, a single isolated incident of harassment may create a hostile and abusive environment.


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    Shawna works for Ace Modeling Agency and one of her key clients has sexually harassed her on a business trip. Shawna reported this behavior to her manager, Jim Pondell, but Jim told Shawna to put up with the behavior since the client said he would drop the account if Shawna doesn't work with him on it alone.

    Shawna quit the agency when the client's behavior grew more threatening.

    Since so many clients in her industry demand this type of treatment, Shawna should learn to play the game.
    Shawna has grounds for a sexual harassment claim since her manager didn't take action on her complaint.

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    Conduct of a sexual nature must be severely or pervasively offensive as perceived by the standard of a "reasonable person" in order to be judged as hostile environment sexual harassment.


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    The laws prohibiting sexual harassment provide protection against retaliation, but only for those found to have been victims of sexual harassment.


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    If a guest professor or visiting coach harasses a student on a college campus, the college could be held liable for the visitor's behavior.


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    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment, in educational institutions that receive federal funds.


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    Calvin Lutz is the life of the lunchroom and loves to tell sexually-graphic stories to his friends and co-workers. He does not intend to offend anyone by telling his jokes. Calvin's behavior:

    is unprofessional but no cause for concern
    should be encouraged since it builds morale and no one has complained
    could contribute to a hostile and offensive working environment
    cannot be sexual harassment, since he does not intend to offend
    None of the above.

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    It's sexual harassment to tell a classmate of the opposite sex that he/she looks nice.


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    Sexual harassment occurs only when a boss tells a subordinate to provide sexual favors in order to keep his or her job.


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    Sexual harassment has more to do with power relationships than sex.


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    The College has a policy prohibiting sexual harassment and a procedure for filing a harassment complaint.


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    Maggie Quinn, Department Chair, is dating Timothy McKee, a graduate student working in her department. Their relationship: (choose the best answer)

    can lead to legal problems for both Maggie and the college.
    is legal
    is not prudent
    All of the above.

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    The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has issued guidelines which explain that sexual harassment is a type of discrimination based on sex.


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    Howie Davis, a lab technician, has a screensaver of scantily clad models on the lab computer. The screensaver:

    can be left up unless someone complains.
    can contribute to a hostile working environment
    is protected as freedom of expression under the First Amendment
    is nobody's business but Howie's

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