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How to use the Gradebook

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  • Let’s say you were teaching a Biology course with three students (a pretty small class!)

    You created a learning page on the subject of Photosynthesis with a multichoice question and a short answer essay question. The three students completed the page.

    Here is how you would grade the page in Ecto.

  • DO THIS:
    • From the group page click the GRADEBOOK button in the upper left quadrant of the screen
  • DO THIS:
    • On the next screen you will see the Pages list. This is a list of the learning pages that are available to you for grading in your gradebook
    • Note in the example that the Intro to Photosynthesis page now appears in the list
    • Click the link to go to the gradebook
  • Now you are in the GRADEBOOK for the learning page you selected on the previous screen.

    Below is an enlargement of the gradebook for the photosynthesis page.

    Note that the owner/teacher dr_B is listed in the top row. You can ignore the top row.

    The next 4 rows are for each student’s submission of the learning page.

    There is a column for each gradable section of the learning page.

    In this example there were two gradable items. Q1 (question one) was a multichoice question and Q2 (question two) was a short answer essay. The green check marks in this column indicate that the student has completed the item but it is not yet graded.

    Next to each column header (Q1, Q2) is the point value of the question in parenthesis. In this example, Q1 is worth 50 points and Q2 is worth 30.

    The final column is the Totals column. It displays the total points for each student and a percentage score.

    Items such as multichoice questions are graded automatically but you may still wish to offer feedback.

    Items such as short answer essay questions must be graded by hand.

  • Now you can begin offering individual feedback and grading the short answer questions.

    DO THIS:

    • Click one of the students names – a good choice would be the first student on the list
  • Clicking on the student’s name in the gradebook causes a pop-up window to appear. The pop-up window displays the details about the item Q1.

    Here is an enlargement of the pop-up window that appears:

  • In this case Q1 is a multichoice question.

    Note that the pop-up window displays the question, students answer, the points for the question, and a comments field.

    You can enter feedback from the student in the comments field.
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