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  • What year was the first flag protection law passed?





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  • Who designed the American flag?

    Betsy Ross

    Francis Hopkinson

    Francis Scott Key

    None of the above

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  • Regarding the American Flag, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson believed that the government should:

    Not permit the desecration of the flag when the flag is owned and in official use by the government
    Not permit the desecration of the flag when it is owned by an individual.
    Not permit the public burning of an American flag under any circumstances
    All of the above

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  • What did the original flag look like, once basic elements were agreed upon in 1777?

    13 stripes alternating red and white with a circle of white stars in the blue area
    13 stripes alternating red and white with a six rows of white stars in the blue area with specific proportions for each element
    13 stripes alternating red and white with 13 white stars in a blue field
    13 stripes alternating red and white with stars being arranged in nine rows staggered horizontally and 11 rows staggered vertically

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