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Discussion Process

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    Sample discussion assignment
  • Each discussion will have it's own page on Ecto.

    You will receive a discussion prompt each week along with a link to the discussion page.

    You must log-on to Ecto, go to the correct discussion page and reply to the prompt within the time frame given.

    Here is an example:

    Discussion Name: Sample

    Discussion Prompt: Go to the discussion page for this week and enter your name and reason for taking this course.  In your submission please try to share enough information to give your classmates an idea of what motivates you and what you intend to do with progam certification.

    Discussion Deadline: You have until Wednesday of this week to post your response.


    Sample Discussion Response
  • My name is Andrea Hildreth and I am teaching this course because it is part of my training to be an Instructional Designer.  I have high hopes for the profession of Instruction Design and am very excited to be part of the evolution of education as it adapts to provide distance learners with excellent educational opportunities.
  • How do students submit their assignments?

    Include it in an e-mail to the instructor.,
    Post it to the discussion board
    Include it in an e-mail to the instructor.,

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©2006 Andrea Hildreth (AndreaHildreth)