
Group Blog / Announcements

sunshinesun on May 12 | 29 comments

Now that we are well prepared for our first match, we will take a closer look at the tactics on the field. I will refer to the relevant mode 3 vs. 3 - "Standard" for most tournaments. As the name suggests, there are 2 teams with 3 players each. But how do you coordinate the game?

The easiest way to do this is when you play with friends and best communicate with them even .B. via Teamspeak or Discord. During the game, players are positioned like a triangle that always rotates in a circle. This gives players enough distance and Rocket League credits for sale for team plays/passes and makes you better positioned to help teammates. There are now different roles in the triangle:

Passer/playmaker: You are the first on the ball and you have the decision what happens next. You can try to take the opponent team apart on your own, to fit your teammate, or hand the ball over to your opponent because you are confused.

Striker: You're (hopefully) in the best position to process the ball after the playmaker has decided what he wants to do with the ball. Of course, the striker doesn't necessarily have to shoot at the goal. So he could also fit the ball again to the third player or put it over the goal of the opponents.

Last man: You are the player who has the complete overview. You see the ball, your teammates and the opponents. With the information you should make e.B. calls and position yourself so that you can help your teammates in the best possible way. You also need to be prepared for a wide clearance of the opposing team.

Since we will play this triangle in a rotation, each player does NOT have his or her own role. The triangle rotates around its own axis and so the roles of the players change depending on the position. This rotation is also available on the defensive. This ensures that there is exactly one player in the goal at any given time, one of the ball players and the third as "Last Man" keeping the rotation alive by closing the circle.