
Group Blog / Announcements

Miriam on Jan 09 | 94 comments

iMentor has invited us to MENTOR'S DAY AT CHELSEA PIERS.  We are the only iMentor group to be invited- so feel special!  The event is on Saturday January 26th from 2-5:30pm.  We will be meeting at BCM that day at 1pm.  You have already received your permission slips, please return both the iMentor form and the TEEN CREW form ASAP.  Thanks!

Aiesha Turman (aturman) on Oct 27 | 122 comments
Submission Call

"How can one not speak about war, poverty, and inequality when people who suffer from these afflictions don't have a voice to speak?"
~Isabel Allende

Color Online is currently accepting submissions for our first e-zine issue slated for January publication. We are looking for poems, short stories, book reviews and articles.

Tell us how the personal is political. How are you a visionary? Think about our mission statement or the above quote. Tell us how you are growing spiritually, politically and culturally. In what ways do you choose to help yourself and others?

Send questions and submissions to cora_litgroup@yahoo.com. Include complete name and contact information with your submission. No attachments will be accepted. Original works only.

Deadline is December 12, 2007. Contributors will be contacted by December 27, 2007. We will not send rejection notices.


Aiesha Turman (aturman) on Oct 04 | 75 comments
Calling all incredible girls!

I'm putting together a focus group in Manhattan with young women ages 13 to 19. The conversation will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for girls to share their thoughts about beauty, self-esteem and, well, pretty much whatever is on their minds (pop-culture, boys, family, achievement, etc.) for a forthcoming book by star entertainment reporter and Access Hollywood host Shaun Robinson.
I'm co-writing the book with Shaun and I couldn't be more thrilled about the project, whose purpose is to empower and encourage young women to shine on and be the inimitable stars they are.

For the book, Shaun will be talking to girls around the country and her first stop is New York City. The focus group will take place at a TBD location on Monday, October 8 (Columbus Day--school's out) from noon to 3 p.m.

We're "casting" girls as we speak, so please--IMMEDIATELY!--send word to every young, brilliant female mind you know. And if you don't know any brilliant young female minds (again, ages13 to 19 who live in the NYC area), then send this email to everyone you know who does (high-school teachers, parents of teenagers, folks who work and/or volunteer with girls, etc.).
Pass along my email address ( pennywrenn@gmail.com) and phone number (212-234-4100). Or, better yet, tell me how I can reach THEM, so I can hound them about participating. Seriously. This is going to be a fabulous conversation and a wonderful opportunity for young women to speak their minds.

The focus group is happening in less than a week, so get on the horn, hit "forward," and kindly help me spread the word!
Penny Wrenn