

We now have a new method for organizing evaluative content in Ecto. You can now create assignments from the group dashboard page. An assignment can contain one or more learning pages and what we have called non-Ecto items (such as an extra credit opportunity). Once you have created an assignment you then have access to a much improved grade book that allows you to assign points and weights to every element in your assignment. You can also compare student performance across assignments as well as across the student population. I will write a more detailed description on the assignment function soon.

In this update we also added a sorting function that puts the groups that have new content on top of your group list and any members and friends that are online on top of the members or friends list.

Let us know what you think and keep the suggestions coming!


wdangel on Mar 17
i love assignments

carly11 on Mar 18
i like tests better than homework and stuff!! lol

wdmichelle on Mar 24
Now that it's sprig break we don't have any school work!!!!!!!!Yay!!!!!!!!!For springbreak!!!!

Truls (admin) on Mar 24
I agree! Yay for spring break!!

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I have an essay to do over spring break :(

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me too

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Supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio was recently spotted leaving lunch at Joan’s on 3rd in West Hollywood carrying a louis vuitton Miranda Tote. (She’s dressed quite appropriately for autumn in L.A., don’t you think?) This Miranda features leather side panels and tonal, dip-dyed calf hair on the front. I think the calf hair, combined with its vague resemblance to a Celine Phantom Luggage Tote, make this bag louis vuitton bags look about twice as expensive as it actually is. You can pick up Alessandra’s exact tote for $1,595 at Neiman Marcus.

The Miranda Tote in all its many different iterations has been a particular favorite amongst celebs this year – Megs decreed as much way back in March. Alessandra is quite partial to the MK brand (or vice versa), we saw her carrying a lovely, bright yellow MICHAEL louis vuitton Selma Messenger this summer.

Sarah Jessica Parker was recently spotted walking in the West Village in NYC (where she lives and is constantly haunted by paps) carrying a lovely tan and white colorblock louis vuitton Large Miranda Tote. At first I thought this bag might be some new, oversized version of the Miranda, but then I remembered how petite SJP is – she’s not just slender, she’s tiny in a general way. While this bag isn’t actually any bigger than most Mirandas, however, it is brand new, and you can pre-order it for $1,195 at louis vuitton outlet.

SJP frequently makes appearances here on PB (in part, due to her very frequent availability to NYC paparazzi), and a lot of her handbag choices have been a tad more economical recently. Case in point: we most recently spotted her with the new Coach Borough Bag. While louis vuitton outlet isn’t exactly inexpensive, the brand’s bags are only a fraction of the price of Sarah’s preferred Chanel picks. You can comb through the majority of SJP’s highly impressive bag stash in “The Many Bags of Sarah Jessica Parker”.
I’m a little embarrassed to say that my iPhone has seen much, much better days because I don’t have a bag like the MICHAEL louis vuitton purses Phone Compartment Crossbody. Not only do I have a year-and-a-half old 4S (not even a 5!), but its screen is significantly cracked in one corner because of a post-brunch texting incident a couple of months ago in which it met michael kors an untimely end against a Third Avenue sidewalk. If those two things weren’t enough, I’ve noticed recently that my screen protector (which I’ve kept in place to keep the glass shards away from my delicate finger meat) has several gouges in it. After some thoughtful deduction, I’ve realized that those gouges are probably because the bag I’m carrying right now doesn’t have any interior pockets and my keys are attacking my phone willy-nilly.

As much as I love bag trends heading toward michael kors outlet minimalism, it does present a few problems. My bag came with a separate pouch for all the things you don’t want crashing around in your purse, but I use my phone too much to zip it away completely in a pouch that I would need to fish in and out all the time. Even if a bag has a compartment that’s nominally intended to house a phone, it’s usually tucked away in the unreachable depths of the interior, which is also a dealbreaker for me.

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