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Kp Computer

https://www.kpcomputer.co.uk/ is a fully accredited IT technician firm. It contains a variety of technical solutions along with modern computer devices. Our consistent evolution in skills and knowledge makes us the best IT solution firm.

Computer Basics

Upon completion of this training, staff should be able to: • Describe the relationship between computer hardware and software. • Identify the parts of a typical microcomputer system. • List the peripheral devices that are typically found on microcomputer systems. • Start, configure, and shut down a Windows-based PC. • Perform basic file management tasks, including finding, moving, copying, deleting computer files. • Create, format, and finalize a Word document. • Manipulate an Excel spreadsheet. • Create, reply to, and forward e-mail messages, send e-mail attachments, and troubleshoot common e-mail problems. • Discuss and define threats to computers, including environmental hazards, physical damage, and viruses. • Troubleshoot some basic computer problems.

A+ 09/10

Comptia A+ certification

Manley Computer Info Tech

For Mr. Jones' students in the Computer Info Technology II course

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