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  • Charles Schenck was found guilty of violating the 1917 Espionage Act by distributing leaflets through the mail urging men to resist induction under the military draft for World War I. On appeal, Schenck’s attorneys argued the distribution of the leaflets was protected by the First Amendment. The Supreme Court upheld his conviction. This case illustrates how individual rights can be balanced against

    the rights of other individuals.
    the security of the nation in a time of war.
    the opportunities for people to enlist in the military.
    the interest of the government in keeping courts open to provide justice.

    created by State of Ohio

  • Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are limited by

    the 14th Amendment.
    laws against slander and libel.
    checks and balances of state governments.
    the government’s power of eminent domain.

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