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  • Why does Diane say, "Oh, that Joanne!" when her sister turns and looks at her?

    She wants to tell her family about Joanne.
    She realizes her sister wants to cover up a lie.
    She wants to please her family by saying the right thing.
    She realizes her sister is talking about a different Joanne.

    created by State of Florida

  • Choose that statement that best expresses the author's point of view.

    Relationships in a family are never predictable.
    A tree will grow if it receives a family's attention.
    Family interactions are motivated by complex feelings.
    Teenagers in a family have different ways of expressing love.

    created by State of Florida

  • What is the author's purpose in writing this autobiographical story?

    to persuade people to take care of trees
    to portray how family members relate to each other
    to encourage teenagers to help their parents more often
    to convince parents that children should make more decisions

    created by State of Florida

  • How do the comments of the mother contribute to the outcome of the story?

    The mother diverts a family crisis with her humerous comments.
    The father decided to plant the tree by himself because of her comments.
    Her comments about the children when they were young make them feel good.
    Her comments about the tree's history help the children understand its importance.

    created by State of Florida

  • What is the main idea of this story?

    In this family, the needs of each individual come first.
    In this family, conflicts are resolved through compromise.

    The problems of this family are best solved at supper time.

    The children in this family pull together when they feel they should.

    created by State of Florida

  • The author wants the reader to think that Garrett

    is lazy by nature

    is a poor student

    has a bright future
    has a vivid imagination

    created by State of Florida

  • Garrett holds the dinner rollt o his ear to

    act like a clown
    annoy his parents
    pretend it is a car telephone
    block out his mother's voice

    created by State of Florida

  • Which sentence best characterizes Garrett's attitude toward chores and homework?

    Choires are more important than homework.
    He should be paid for chores and homework.
    Homework and chores will not matter when he is famous.
    There is not enough time to do both chores and homework.

    created by State of Florida

  • Why is Garrett so absent-minded?

    His imagination carries him away.
    His laziness keeps him from concentrating.
    His parents put too much pressure on him to do his chores.
    His teachers make him spend too much time on schoolwork.

    created by State of Florida

  • What is Garrett's main goal in life?

    to achieve fame in athletics
    to be important and admired
    to have secretaries and assistants
    to own a convertible and a car telephone

    created by State of Florida

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