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At the end of this selection the author mentions flowers, birds and gophers. The author’s purpose in doing this is to
Which of the examples below contains the figure of speech called a simile?
Sometimes an author makes something happen differently from what the readers expect. In literature this is called irony. Where in the story of Tasaku do you see irony?
The main character in the story is
Which choice below is true about the plot in this story?
The place where a story happens is called the setting. What is the setting for this story?
The phrase “as acidic as lemon juice” is an example of
The author begins this passage with a quotation. The effect of this is to
Given that this is an article about soda pop bubbles, why would the author tell the story about the men drinking champagne in the tunnel under the Thames River?
The author says that “the wine popped in their stomachs, distended their vests, and all but frothed from their ears.” This description is an example of
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