To copy sections to your pages, use the copy button to the right of each item.
Then, use the "Paste from Clipboard" button on the pages you want to paste to.
Organize Stuff |
There are five ways to organize your learning activities in Ecto. They are:
1. Sets
2. Folders
3. Lessons
4. Courses
5. Schools
1. Sets
Click on The Library link at the top of the Ecto page
2. Folders
Once you have your search results, select the activities you would like to copy by clicking on the check boxes to the left of each item. Then, click the Copy Selected Items button.
In the example to the right we are choosing one multiple choice question.

3. Lessons
The last step is to pick a location in Your Study to paste the activity.
Choose the location for your activity from the pane on the left. If you want to place the item inside a set, such as a Homework set or Test set, select that set from the right pane. If you would like to create a new folder or lesson click on the " Create New Folder" or "Create New Lesson" links. Click the copy button.
You're done! Now get busy learning.
4. Courses
Once you have your search results, select the activities you would like to copy by clicking on the check boxes to the left of each item. Then, click the Copy Selected Items button.
In the example to the right we are choosing one multiple choice question.

5. Schools
Once you have your search results, select the activities you would like to copy by clicking on the check boxes to the left of each item. Then, click the Copy Selected Items button.
In the example to the right we are choosing one multiple choice question.

Start to organize
Once you have your search results, select the activities you would like to copy by clicking on the check boxes to the left of each item. Then, click the Copy Selected Items button.
In the example to the right we are choosing one multiple choice question.

A brief overview of Ecto! |
1. |
Unlocked Content
The smallest parts in Ecto are what we call unlocked content or activities. Activities can be multiple choice questions (MC), short answer questions (SA), web pages, flashcards (FD or FS), resources (RE), journals, files and multimedia content. We will explain in more detail what each one of these activities are later. |
2. |
Sets are just an assemply of activities. The intent of the set determines if it is a test or a homework assignment. There are a bunch of options with a set such as when the set becomes available and how the person using the set can naviagte through it. |
3. |
Assemblies are containers such as a folder or a lesson where you can keep activities or sets. In other words in helps you organize the learning content. |
4. |
Groups are a higher level organizational tool. The one important thing about groups is that you can let other people join your group or you can join someone elses group. We will discuss the issues around groups in detail later.
OK, now its time to get creative! |
What are we going to learn in Ecto 102? |
Now that you have an idea what Ecto is all about let's get going on learning some of the more creative uses of the tool. This lesson will focus mostly on how to create things. We talked about how to copy and join things in Ecto 101; well, now its time to be creative!
Remember, anyone can create anything in Ecto, once you have created stuff you can share your genius for everyone else to explore.
Let's move on. Click on the link in the upper right hand corner to go to the next item in the lesson.
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