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OR - 2005 - Reading - Grade 6

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  • Why do you think the author ended the selection by telling about the symbolism of the Statue of Liberty?

    To show people the way to New York
    To explain how long it took to write the poem
    To describe how the statue was made
    To emphasize how important the statue is

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  • “The New Colossus” is a poem about

    New York Harbor.
    The Statue of Liberty.
    Emma Lazarus.

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  • Emma Lazarus was not only a successful writer, she also

    helped people who were new to America.
    designed the Statue of Liberty.
    wrote her poem on a bronze tablet.
    brought the Statue of Liberty to New York.

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  • Although the selection doesn’t say, you can tell that Emma Lazarus was a woman who was

    tired from writing all the time.
    the first person to help refugees from Russia.
    important in the building of the Statue of Liberty.
    kind and caring about people less fortunate.

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  • “The New Colossus” was first read in public when

    a fundraiser was held to build the statue’s base.
    Jewish refugees were finally able to land on U.S. shores.
    the Statue of Liberty was opened in 1886.
    groups from around the world remembered Emma Lazarus.

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  • What is true about the noises made by bats?

    They sound like noises made by foxes.
    They cannot be heard by humans.
    They warn mosquitoes.
    They sound like a low growl.

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  • Which of the statements below is an opinion?

    There are more than a thousand different kinds of bats.
    Bats that live in the tropics usually eat fruit.
    Bats use echolocation to keep from flying into things.
    Most bats with beady eyes are ugly.

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  • The story tells you that “where mosquitoes are abundant, a small bat can catch several hundred in an hour.” The word abundant means

    making their nests.
    landing on the ground.
    appearing in large numbers.
    living on other insects.

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  • The author’s main purpose is to teach people some things about bats. This is probably a good idea because

    there aren’t enough books about animals.
    people are often afraid of things they don’t understand.
    bats are an endangered species.
    now scientists can study echolocation for use in the future.

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  • Which word could the author have used instead of persecuted when he wrote, “…bats are still feared and persecuted in many lands?”


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  • What do you think is most likely to happen if more people read this story and learn some things about bats?

    People will be glad most bats are around.
    Bats will be killed for ruining our fruit crops.
    Most people will want to get bats for pets.
    People will think bats are scary.

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  • The machine “grinned quite amiably.” Used this way, amiably means

    in a lonely way.
    in an unfriendly way.
    in the middle of.
    in a good-natured way.

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  • Based upon the description Malam uses, you would characterize the steam shovel as


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  • The poet uses a dinosaur to compare to a steam shovel rather than another creature because

    steam shovels were also prehistoric creatures.
    dinosaurs ate earth and grass.
    steam shovels are huge and have long necks.
    dinosaurs are buried deeply where steam shovels dig.

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  • The details in this poem support the idea that Malam wrote it

    to show that dinosaurs had personalities.
    to increase the reader’s understanding of dinosaurs.
    to teach the reader about driving steam shovels.
    to give a light, humorous look at a large machine.

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  • The effect of the line “Snorted white steam my way” is to

    compare the speaker’s fear to the shovel’s size.
    establish the historic validity of dinosaurs.
    continue the comparison between the shovel and a dinosaur.
    emphasize the insignificance of humans when confronted.

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©2006 gabe lerner (gabe)