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FL 05-06 Reading Grade 3

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  • Read this sentence from the story. Then he tried to step over the ditch, and his foot smashed the wall. Which word means almost the SAME as smashed ?


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  • What does Jamaica do FIRST when she goes to the school?

    She builds a sandcastle.
    She takes the basketball.
    She watches the boys play.
    She plays on the sidewalk.

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  • How are Berto and Jamaica ALIKE?

    They both swing on the swing set.
    They both follow an older brother.
    They both want to be on Ossie’s team.
    They both want to play with someone older.

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  • Jamaica gets off the swing and starts to play in the sand because

    she decides to play with Ossie.
    Berto keeps walking in front of her.
    Berto steps on the wall of her castle.
    she wants to teach Berto to build a castle.

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  • What happens AFTER the basketball game is over?

    Ossie tells Jamaica to play on the swings.
    Ossie helps Jamaica and Berto finish the castle.
    Jamaica sneaks around the edge of the building.
    Jamaica decides to let Berto help her build the castle.

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  • How does Jamaica show that she has changed her mind about letting Berto playwith her?

    Jamaica looks to see if Berto is still nearby.
    Jamaica tells Berto not to mess up the castle.
    Jamaica shows Berto how to smooth a wet wall of sand.
    Jamaica stops swinging when Berto walks in front of her.

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  • What is Jamaica’s BIGGEST problem in the story?

    She hurts Berto’s feelings.
    Berto steps on her sandcastle.
    She does not like younger children.
    Her brother will not let her play with him.

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  • Why did the author write the story “Jamaica Tag-Along”?

    to show how to build giant sandcastles with friends
    to explain why children should follow the playground’s rules
    to tell readers a funny story about an afternoon on the playground

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  • Read these sentences from the article. If you collect paper, cloth, string or paper clips, your friends might call you a pack rat. But if you're a bird, you're just building the coolest house in the neighborhood! A pack rat is someone who

    likes mice.
    has a house.
    builds a nest.
    keeps things.

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  • Birds build nests to keep chicks warm because warm chicks

    need to eat less food.
    learn to fly more quickly.
    are safer from nearby cats.
    will stay in the nest longer.

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  • Read this sentence from the article "Birds Do It! Recycle!" Yarn is big on an oriole's shopping list when nest building. The author is comparing an oriole to a

    bird that can write.
    bird that collects paper.
    person who lives in a house.
    person who buys things at a store.

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  • Read this sentence from the article. Twigs, long grass, moss, dried bark, spider's silk and mud are some of the natural ingredients that are good for nests, too. In this sentence, the word ingredients means


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  • Birds probably choose white yarn over other colors because the white yarn

    is short.
    is warm.
    looks like cotton in the wild.
    looks like lint from a clothes dryer.

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