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What is the dirty dozen? In 1995, the Environmental Working Group identified foods in the conventional, non-organic food supply that contained the highest number of pesticide residues. The worst offenders, which were nicknamed the "dirty dozen," included: - Strawberries
- Celery
- Green and red bell peppers
- Apples
- Spinach
- Apricots
- U.S. grown cherries
- Green beans
- Peaches
- Grapes from Chile
- Mexican grown cantaloupe
- Cucumbers
To find out more: http://whfoods.org/genpage.php?tname=faq&dbid=17#Health3
8319 visits,
tags: energy, food, recipes, Alkaline, Acid, healing, pH, vegan, eating, vegetarian, healthy food, weight loss, vitality, raw, living, clean, organic
Johnny's vegetable seed product line is created by offering the highest quality seeds, the most best tasting varieties, and vegetables that will really perform in your garden.
8385 visits,
tags: energy, food, recipes, Alkaline, Acid, healing, pH, vegan, eating, vegetarian, healthy food, weight loss, vitality, raw, living, clean, organic
No Work, Organic Gardening the Square Foot Way How would you like a garden filled with beautiful flowers, fresh herbs and luscious vegetables, but NO WEEDS and NO HARD WORK?
"I've taken all the hard work out of gardening." No more heavy digging or all-at-once harvest. Less watering, weeding, and thinning. What's left is a picture perfect garden you will be so proud of.
8295 visits,
tags: energy, food, recipes, Alkaline, Acid, healing, pH, vegan, eating, vegetarian, healthy food, weight loss, vitality, raw, living, clean, organic
Steve Catania, owner of the Daniel Webster Inn believes that eating out should not only be enjoyable but also that gourmet food can be healthy and absolutely delicious.
Steve and Head Chef, Steve Chausse, have created the Green Palate Menu which not only stimulate your palate but enhance your energy and promote healthy pH too!
8312 visits,
tags: energy, food, recipes, Alkaline, Acid, healing, pH, vegan, eating, vegetarian, healthy food, weight loss, vitality, raw, living, clean, organic
This chocolate will cure your of eating the junky stuff in the stores!
8276 visits,
tags: energy, food, recipes, Alkaline, Acid, healing, pH, vegan, eating, vegetarian, healthy food, weight loss, vitality, raw, living, clean, organic
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