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    created by planbmark365

  • By enrolling in this training program,  you have taken a significant step toward preparing yourself for your own future.  

    You can look back on the weeks you’ve spent studying all about dogs, and the art of grooming and styling, and clearly see how much you have progressed in terms of skill, ability and confidence compared to the first day you began your training. Here is a short summary of what Nash grads say about starting their own grooming business:


    The next step in the process is to carefully consider whether you want to have your own grooming business, or work for someone else.

    Owning your own business has been the dream of many people for centuries. 

    Can you imagine being your own boss?     

    Imagine being independent and not having to take orders from anyone, relying only on your own ability and talent, doing something you enjoy!

    As a business owner, you have unlimited earning power, unlimited freedom and unlimited opportunities to discover ways to make your service more attractive to the customer.  

    And as a business owner, you will experience the personal satisfaction and sense of accomplishment in making your own business a success.

    It takes a special kind of person to start and succeed in a small business.  That person lives and works in an exciting world and knows that the possibilities for profit and growth are great. The possibility of failure is there also, and as a result, the small business person must be alert and willing to work hard to make his/her goals a reality.  

    You must plan, organize, control and pay attention to detail.  The formula to make your business a successful reality is to set your goals and objectives clearly and make up your mind to reach that goal.  You must find out, by careful study and preparation, just what it will take to attain that goal, and then you must make it happen. 

    Courage, creativity, customer focus, curiosity – these are just some of the traits needed to be a successful business owner.  In this unit, we will explore how to decide if owning your own business is the right choice for you and your family.  Then we’ll map out the major steps involved in the process.  The great news is, there are many ways to achieve this goal, and you have time to experiment with different options for your business.  

    What is an entrepreneur?

    What traits do entrepreneurs have?

    What are the positives and negatives of having your own business? 

    How do I start to plan? When can I open my business, and how much money do I need?

    What is an Entrepreneur?

    An entrepreneur is in business for him or herself.  Think of an entrepreneur as the captain of his own ship.  The successful entrepreneur is excited by the challenge of being on his own.  This independent person has everything at risk – money, time and effort, reputation, family.  

    What is an Entrepreneur: Money at Risk

    A business owner usually has a sizeable amount of personal money invested in their business.  Not only did the business owner save money to start the business, he may be held responsible for the debts the business takes on.  

    For example, if in starting a business, the owner signs a three year lease on a retail shop, he could be held responsible for t
    created by planbmark365

    created by planbmark365

  • Welcome to the Nash Academy Salon Startup course!  




    If you have considered starting your own pet grooming business, you have come to the right place!  The Salon Startup Course will help you with the challenges and opportunities of being your own boss!  In Course One, we will  your examine your entrepreneurial path, learn about profits and losses  and began to create the justification you need to ask a bank or friends and family for money to start your business.


    Course One


    On your Own: What is an Entrepreneur, and what is it like having my own business?


    Thinking it Through: Business Planning


    Counting Beans: Mastering the Numbers


    Getting the Money: Where and how to get money to start


    Here are the specific objectives and accomplishments you can expect in Course One:



    Course Objectives – Course One


    created by planbmark365

  • Average rating: 0Average rating: 0Average rating: 0Average rating: 0Average rating: 0, 5452 visits, tags: entrepreneurship, business
    created by planbmark365

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